Troubleshooting Your Golf Cart Charger: Is it Time for a Replacement?
As a golf cart owner, you might encounter situations where your charger doesn't shut off as expected. This issue can be concerning, but before rushing to replace your charger, it's essential to understand the factors at play. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of golf cart battery charging, explain why your charger might not be shutting off, and provide valuable insights to help you determine whether it's time for a new charger.
Question: My charger is not shutting off. Do I need a new charger?

Answer: It Depends on Battery Age and Condition
First and foremost, whether you need a new charger depends on the age and condition of your golf cart batteries. It's essential to recognize that the duration of a full charge can vary, and in some cases, it might take as long as 16 hours to complete.
To gain a deeper understanding of this issue, let's break down the charging process:
Charging Phases and Equalization/Desulfation
When you plug in your golf cart charger, it goes through several phases to ensure your batteries are properly charged. One of these phases is known as equalization or desulfation. During this phase, the charger deliberately pushes the voltage of the battery pack 8-10 volts above their rated capacity.
Multimeter Check
To troubleshoot your charger, it's a good practice to use a multimeter to check the voltage while the batteries are charging. This will help you ensure that the charging process is progressing as expected. Keep in mind that maintaining the correct water level in your batteries is crucial, as low water levels can affect the charging process.
Inspecting Battery Terminals and Cables
While monitoring the charging process, take a moment to inspect your battery terminals for any signs of corrosion. Corrosion can hinder the flow of electricity and impact the charger's ability to shut off correctly. Additionally, check that all the cables or wires connecting your batteries to the charger are in good condition and not damaged.
Internal Board Failure
If you've conducted these checks, and there are no issues with battery age, water levels, corrosion, or damaged cables, it's possible that your charger may have experienced an internal board failure. In such cases, replacing the entire charger might be necessary. However, there's a silver lining for some golf cart owners.
Chargers with Replaceable Boards
Certain charger brands, like Powerwise, offer chargers with replaceable boards. This means that instead of purchasing an entirely new charger, you can simply replace the faulty board, saving you both time and money. Before making any decisions, it's wise to consult with a professional or contact the charger's manufacturer to explore your options.
Finally, if your golf cart charger isn't shutting off as expected, it's crucial to assess the age and condition of your batteries, monitor the charging process with a multimeter, and inspect for corrosion or damaged cables. Only after ruling out these factors should you consider the possibility of an internal board failure. Remember that certain charger brands offer the convenience of replacing boards rather than replacing the entire charger.
By following these steps and understanding the intricacies of golf cart battery charging, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision regarding the replacement of your charger, ensuring the continued smooth operation of your beloved golf cart.